Boys & Girls Club of the Olympic Peninsula
Port Angeles, WA // 2021
The new clubhouse has been designed as a central hub for the youth to gather and develop lasting relationships and essential life skills so that they, in turn, can do their part to build and strengthen their community. This is evidenced in strong corner siting and the internal arrangement of spaces within the facility around an open common space. Nodes of activity blossom from this central core; whether it be a finger-painting session, a dodgeball game, or a computer coding class, every visit will involve an interaction in this space. Not only does this arrangement create a strong sense of place and a dynamic environment, it also serves to provide a level of protection and security that evokes a feeling of comfort and safety. Safety in being off the street, and the comfort of being with your peers.

Michael Parshall
Andra Riegler
Organizational Planning
Concept Plan
Schematic Planning
Design Development
Interior Design
Construction Documents
Bid Assistance
Construction Administration